Friday, December 9, 2011

Blast From the Past : Oedipus

Oedipus the King
Play Summary:
Oedipus is king of Thebes. He took the throne after saving the people of Thebes from the Sphinx and taking the widowed queen, Jocasta, as his wife. At the start of the play Thebes is under a grave plague. The Oracle claims that the plague will end when the late kings murderer is executed or exiled. The play then revolves around finding out who the king slayer is.

About Greek Plays & Tragedies:
Time frame of Greek plays relatively occur  within 24 hours due to time constraints. Most plays also have a history/background that you would know beforehand; therefore, most people knew how the play would end. Greek tragedies end with on a really sour note as in everyone in the play ends in a worse position than they were before.

Oedipus's Background:
He is the son of Laius and Jocasta of Thebes. Laius and Jocasta meet with the Oracle of Delphi to foretell their future. The Oracle tells them dire news. It is prophesied that they will have a son! The bad news is that their son will kill the father and bed the mother O_o ...Well that just blows doesn't it?

Since this is clearly a bad thing they decide to spike their first born son's ankles and leave him to die. Unfortunately for them, a Sheppard rescues Oedipus and give him to the Royals of Corinth. Years pass and Oedipus is a find young man now. he learns of his prophecy and decides to leave Corinth so he won't do such horrible things to his "mother & father." On his travels he meets with Laius and his retainers. Apparently they get into a road argument and Oedipus slays them all except for one escapee (Father dies). Later he is challenged by the sphinx and saves Thebes. Which brings him to wear he is now...king of Thebes and husband of Jocasta (his mother). Life is a B**** isn't it?

Oedipus realizes he is the murder and that Jocasta is his mother. He pierces his eyes and banishes himself. His family...since he had left in a horrible position. His uncle/brother then takes control of the kingdom; though, he never wanted the responsibility.

Thoughts & Information:
 Greek Fate: In this culture FATE is inescapable. No matter what you try to do it will happen. That is why Oedipus was destined to do what he did no matter what ...
Blind SEE CLEARLY: The Prophet who knew about Oedipus and what he "did" before anyone else knew. Oedipus would blind himself afterwards when he figures out the "truth".

I find this all very sad ... perfect for the theme of tragedy. No matter what you do and how hard you try it will all be for nothing.

*He defeated Laius and his guard??? by himself???
*Rescued Thebes from the EVIL Sphinx.
*He has clear values and stays true to his word.
  *`Who else would really punish themselves to tragically as Oedipus did?

It wasn't his fault this happened. Apparently he had no choice, but he did spend his time doing what was right and helping the people. That is what a superhero does. Don't punish him for fate he cannot escape !!!

OEDIPUS CAN INTO SUPERHERO-ISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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